preventive dentistry in Valencia

Preventive Dentistry in Valencia, CA

Solid preventive care is the foundation for your child's oral and overall health. Fostering good at-home hygiene habits, in combination with professional cleanings, can keep your little one's smile free from decay and other oral health issues like gum disease. Regular exams allow our Valencia pediatric dentist to monitor their oral health and address any minor concerns before they become larger, more costly, and more invasive issues.


Preventive Dentistry

Pediatric Teeth Cleanings

Nothing quite compares to the joy of seeing your child's sparkling and healthy smile. Pediatric teeth cleaning in Valencia, as offered by Dr. Laura Greenwald at All Kids Dentistry, is an essential treatment designed to protect your child's oral health.

Fluoride Treatments

Fluoride treatments are one of the best ways to keep dental decay at bay. A simple, non-invasive treatment, fluoride helps to keep your child's enamel strong. After your little one's cleaning, we’ll apply a fluoride-rich varnish or gel; we may ask you refrain from allowing your child to eat anything hard or crunchy immediately following their visit. They can drink right away though!

Fluoride helps kickstart a process called “remineralization,” which restores essential minerals like calcium and phosphates to the teeth, keeping your kiddo's enamel hard and resistant to acids, like those that cause tooth decay.

Preventive Dentistry

Pediatric Dental Sealant

When it comes to protecting your child's teeth from cavities, pediatric dental sealants are an effective solution. These are thin, protective coatings applied to the chewing surfaces of the back teeth, where cavities often first develop. Dental sealants are made from a safe, plastic material that quickly hardens and forms a shield over the tooth, preventing food particles and bacteria from settling into the tiny grooves and depressions.

Space Maintenance

When it comes to pediatric dental care, space maintenance is a critical treatment that cannot be overlooked. This preventive method is used when a child loses a primary tooth prematurely, often due to decay or injury. The space maintainer is a custom-made dental appliance that keeps the space open to allow the permanent tooth to erupt and come into place.

Silver Diamine Fluoride

Cavities and toothaches are never fun, especially for your child. When it comes to treating decay in baby teeth, you may be wondering if there are alternatives to dental fillings. Silver Diamine Fluoride (SDF) is a non-invasive procedure that doesn't require any drills or shots and can be completed in minutes. Painting on SDF to the affected tooth not only kills the bacteria that cause decay but also desensitizes the tooth and can help us gain cooperation with time. If your little one has a cavity, fillings may not be the only option!

Oral Cancer Screenings

Even children need oral cancer screenings! This is an essential part of preventive care that can be performed quickly, safely, and usually without your child noticing.

During the screening, the dentist will examine your child’s mouth, gums, and oral tissues. They’ll look for discolored patches, lumps, growths, and other similar abnormalities. In the rare case that an issue is found, a biopsy may be taken and sent to a specialist for further analysis, or the dentist will refer you to a specialist directly.

Scheduling a dental visit every 6 months allows your child’s dentist to address any issues before they become larger problems.

Sedation Options

For many children, sitting still for the duration of their dental appointment can be a challenge. Others may be anxious or even fearful about visiting the dentist at all. Fortunately, pediatric dental sedation options can alleviate these feelings of restlessness and anxiety, so your child can get the care they need without pain or stress. Sedation can keep your little one calm and comfortable, which can help them gain a positive outlook on visiting the dentist and taking care of their oral health. If you think your child could benefit from sedation, let us know, and we'll help you find the best option for them.

Pediatric Emergencies

When your child experiences a dental emergency, every moment counts. Providing them with timely care can accelerate their healing process and, most importantly, get them out of pain. Toothaches, broken or chipped teeth, and other issues can cause your child discomfort and interfere with their school performance, sports, and other activities. Unsure if your little one is experiencing a dental emergency? Don't hesitate to give us a call right away. Our team will help you figure out the severity of their issue, guide you through at-home care, and schedule an appointment as soon as possible, so your child can get back to being a kid.